
This page is a simple demo and does not represent our final product.

We believe in the value of quality content. Whether it’s thought-provoking articles, insightful analysis, or captivating storytelling, we understand the time, effort, and skill of creating such content. That’s why we’ve built a platform that respects publishers and viewers, facilitating a fair value exchange between both parties.

This platform is powered by the Bitcoin Lightning Network, a groundbreaking technology that enables instant, high-volume microtransactions. This allows us to introduce a unique pay-per-view model for our customers, where viewers only pay for the content they consume. No subscriptions, no ads, just the content they love.

How to Use the Lightning Network

For those new to the Lightning Network, don’t worry – it’s pretty straightforward to use. All you need is a Lightning wallet, an application allowing you to hold and transact Bitcoin over the Lightning Network. There are a few different Lightning wallets available, and I recommend using either BlueWallet or the Wallet of Satoshi. Both are user-friendly and available on the App Store and Google Play Store.

An easier option is using Cash App. After setting up your Cash App account, go to the Money tab on your Cash App home screen, then click on the QR scanner at the top left corner.

Click the Pay button below to reveal the QR code, then scan it. The app will ask you to confirm the transaction and confirm it.

The payment is made instantly, and you can start enjoying the content behind the paywall!

Click The Button Below To Try It Out